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Process Writing

Goals: Writer's will ...
- employ Creativity. Experiment and choose tools to assist at each stage
- practice Communication. Interact with text, stages, and others
- value Freedom. Revisit stages and do them again to better express meaning

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Process Writing focuses on improving skills in writing. Good writers engage and move between and return to stages before their finished product.

Process Writing encourages repeating activities.  Writers start at the first stage but can go between stages and use tools form each stage. By doing the activities in each stage of the process many times and returning to them, students will develop their writing by paying more attention to it.


Process Writing includes four basic writing stages:

a. PlanningCreate ideas to write about. This stage is where the topic and target audience are generally chosen.

b. Drafting. Expand and organize ideas to create meaning using sentences, paragraphs, & essays.  This stage focuses on developing fluency by checking if things make sense with peers, tutors, teacher, and anyone. who can respond and react to ideas with content comments: suggestions, questions, etc.

c.  Revision. Check global content and organization of ideas for better communication. Writers review (read) composition and address feedback from the responses of others. This stage is where writers reflect (rethink) if they effectively communicated their meaning to the reader by asking themselves and others what they think about their writing.


d. Editing. Correct the mechanics of text, including spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting, references, and so on. This stage is for cleaning up the paper of errors and ensuring communication.  

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